Pic Temple with his horse Piccolo and dog Lady. His show ran from 1948 to 1961.
There’s a popular children’s show in Washington, with the cowboy host Pick Temple. Somehow, my mother gets me a spot on the show when I am about six. Jake comes along for the ride as we drive to the WTTG studios on Connecticut Avenue in the city.
Pick’s horse Piccolo, known for occasionally relieving himself during the show, is there, along with the dog and about 15 children. Of these a few are chosen to do relay races or other games with prizes. But when the time comes, I am not chosen.
Being one of the smaller kids, I’m in the front row, where I can be seen pouting furiously with my chin on my two clenched fists for the rest of the show. Mom is embarrassed and so is Jake. And that’s saying something.
Mine was Gene Autry